Thoughts & Photographs
My objective – a little wisdom and no cynicism!

There are times when a quick post on Facebook or Twitter doesn’t give enough space to express what is really going on in your mind, or when their fixed formats won’t display photographs adequately. For those times the flexibility of a personal blog is the answer.
Latest Posts
- Singapore – the example for 60 yearsSixty years ago, in March 1962, my family packed up our home in Belfast, Northern Ireland and we travelled to Singapore for three years. For me, there were no tears …
- A different look – developing digital picsI have used Lightroom to catalogue and edit my digital photographs since Adobe released version 1.0 in early 2007. Adobe has regularly enriched the program’s capabilities and a plethora of …
Note: Photographs on this site are sized to load quickly onto a screen and have a long edge of between 1,200 and 1,600 pixels. That is sufficient to print a reasonable 4×6 card if you right-click and download the image. Please don’t. The content is protected by copyright. If you would like a copy of a photo please send me a note. We can discuss what you want to do and find the best solution to meet your need and protect my intellectual property.
Evening images
A few images taken around the world after the sun had set
I took most of the photographs on this site while on business trips. Clients scheduled those visits for their convenience and didn’t add time for sightseeing. Neither did my employer tolerate extra time at the beginning or end of the meetings. That left only early morning and evenings for photographic expeditions. The result is this preponderance of nocturnal shots.
I developed this site at the start of the COVID pandemic in 2020 when most activities were restricted. The idea was to do something to keep my mind active. I have always enjoyed messing with computer programs and coding, so a website seemed a sensible alternative to watching eternal reruns on TV. After some research I decided to use WordPress for content management on my site. WordPress provides a lot of basic website administration and coding for content filing, sorting and search functions. It also adds some constraints but an unexpected benefit of the WordPress solution is the myriad of gifted (and altruistic) programmers who offer solutions to many of the problems that the amateur blogger encounters. Those include thousands of different “themes” which tell the WordPress core programs how to display the content. There are themes (many available free of charge) to meet almost every artistic objective and every website purpose from a simple blog to a photographic gallery or a sophisticated online sales outlet. This theme is somewhere in the middle and has allowed me to develop a whole set of new skills . . . some of which definitely still need additional effort. Check here for details on moving the website developed offline on a laptop to an online server.
I hope you enjoy the photographs on display here and if you read any of the articles, I hope they stimulate your thoughts – positively or negatively! Drop me a private note from the Contact page if you want to respond, or just add a comment to an article and express your thoughts publicly. n
Houston, TX